Does Mango Go Bad? How Long Do Mangoes Last?

logo by Editorial Staff | Updated on August 2nd, 2022

For the first time, you purchased mangoes. As you began to unpack them, you discovered you didn’t know much about this fruit. What is the shelf life of mangoes?

Don’t be concerned if this is your experience. Mangoes are quite similar to other tropical fruits such as avocados and papayas. Everything below will sound familiar if you know a thing or two about either.


If not, no worries. I explain all you need to know about the mango fruit in this post, so you’ll know precisely what to do with yours when you’re finished.

To begin, let’s look at the distinctions between ripe and unripe mango. Before we can proceed, you must determine which is which.

How Long Does Mango Last in the Sun?


If you purchased an unripe mango, it could be stored on the counter at room temperature for 1-7 days until it is ripe. Once the mango is ripe, you may store it on the counter for another 2-3 days. Mango should never be left in direct sunlight. The fruit’s ripening can be slowed by direct sunlight. It will be less juicy and may never get a sweet flavor before rotting.


If you buy ripe mango, it will stay at room temperature for about 2-3 days. Again, ensure that the Mango is not exposed to direct sunlight for an extended time.

How Long Will Mango Last in the Fridge?


Never store an unripe mango in the refrigerator. Putting an unripe mango in the fridge will prevent it from ripening. Mango is a tropical fruit that requires greater temperatures to mature properly.


Ripe mangoes can be refrigerated for up to 5 days. Only after the mango is ripe should it be refrigerated to increase its shelf life. Refrigeration can help Mango preserve its freshness longer, but only for 3-4 days.

How Long Can Mango Be Stored in the Freezer?


You should never put an unripe mango in the freezer. The freezer will also impair its capacity to mature properly. It is never a good idea to expose tropical fruit to chilly temperatures before it ripens.


To help preserve the freshness of Mango, put it in the freezer. Freezing Mango will help preserve its quality, especially if you don’t intend to use it frequently. Because of how long it keeps in the refrigerator, this step is optional.

Mangoes Expiration Date

 Room TemperatureRefrigeratorFreezer
Whole (unripe) last7 Days14 Days10-12 Months
Whole (riped) last2-5 Days5-7 Days10-12 Months
Cut or Sliced (riped) last1-2 Hours5-7 Days10-12 Months
Puree lastNot RecommendedNot Recommended12 Months

Please remember that the dates in the table above are simply estimations.

How long do dried mangoes last?

At room temperature, dried mangoes will keep for about a year. These mangoes may stay longer if the packaging is never opened and carefully preserved. The pantry is the greatest location to keep them because it is cold and dark.

Dried mangoes can also be kept in the refrigerator. The shelf life of dried mangoes in the refrigerator is approximately one year. If the packaging is opened, it will last around 6 months. The dried mangoes are still safe to consume after that, but the quality of the fruit will deteriorate.

How Can You Tell If a Mango Is Ripe?

To know where to store your mangoes, you must first determine whether or not they are ripe.

So, how can you know whether a mango is ripe? There are a few factors to consider:


You should concentrate on how you feel. The mango should be tender but not mushy. In other words, the fruit should yield under light to moderate pressure.


The fruit should be mostly yellow to crimson (like the one I photographed for this article). There should be no dark green, although there may be some greenish or green-to-yellow portions.


When the stem emits a fruity odor, it signifies that the mango is ready for ingestion. On the other hand, mine didn’t have much of a scent, and the fruit was good.

When determining ripeness, evaluate how the fruit feels in your palm first. Consider it ripe if it feels good, but the color isn’t quite there yet.

How to Ripen Mangoes Quickly

Mango is an ethylene-producing fruit that reacts to gas as well. As a result, you can expedite the ripening process by placing the fruit(s) in a sealed paper bag. This traps the gas and exposes the fruit to more of it.

If you’re in a rush, throw another ethylene-producing fruit, such as avocado, apple, or banana.

In a Glimpse

  • Ripe mangoes will yield slightly when gently pressed. They usually transform from green to red but don’t anticipate the entire fruit to be the same color.
  • Unripe mangoes should be stored at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. Depending on the fruit, ripening might take anywhere from a day to a week.
  • Refrigerate ripe mangoes for about five days to preserve their quality.
  • Refrigerate sliced mango in an airtight jar.

How to handle your mango

Ripe mangoes should be handled cautiously while transferring them from the market to your home. Overripe mangoes can bruise readily, causing them to spoil soon.

As a result, while transporting ripe mangoes from the supermarket, always carry them individually in a bag or stack them on top of other goods.

Try not to group them at home, whether stored at room temperature or in the fridge. The pressure from the mangoes will ultimately force the fruit’s skin to split open. Instead, keep each mango distinct from the others.

How Do You store Unipe Mangoes?

If your mangoes aren’t ripe, store them at room temperature (64-71°F or 18-22°C) and out of direct sunlight.

It’s not a good idea to put them in the fridge to allow them to mature more slowly — you should never refrigerate immature mangoes.

It all depends on the fruit for how long it takes for a mango to mature. It should be ready to eat in five to seven days if it’s equally green and very solid. It should be ready in two to three days if it is already red.

Check your mangos every day, just like you would any fruits that are still ripening.

Ripe Mangoes: How to Store Them

The refrigerator is the ideal location to keep ripe mangoes. A full mango may be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. You could get an additional day or two if you’re lucky.

Of course, ripe fruit can be left on the counter or in a fruit basket.

The problem is that the mango will continue to mature swiftly and be overripe in a few days. It’s not a huge issue to leave it at room temperature overnight if you know you’ll eat it the next day.

How to store Cut Mangoes

There’s nothing magical about storing leftover mangoes. Place them in an airtight container and place them in the refrigerator. The leftovers should remain in good condition for 2 to 3 days.

In the fridge, I store the peeled, sliced, or chopped mango. In this manner, it’s simple to grab a few pieces here and there, and the container is always empty well before the fruit loses quality.

Try doing the same if you have trouble completing leftovers before they spoil.

As you can see, storing mango is quite similar to storing kiwi.

Is it possible to consume overripe mangoes?

Overripe mangoes may not be the most appealing, but they may still be eaten if they are a bit past their prime.

It all comes down to personal choice; what is overly ripe for one person may be perfect for another.

It’s critical to recognize the distinction between an overripe mango and a sour mango. Slightly overripe mangoes can be used in smoothies, purees, desserts, or to produce excellent mango jam or chutney.

Before using overripe mangoes in a dish, conduct a taste test. If a portion of mango is overripe to your satisfaction, remove it and utilize the remainder of the fruit.

Ensure to avoid mushy mangoes and those with prominent brown or black blemishes. Also, seeping liquid and mold development are red flags that the mango has gone rotten.

How do you eat an overripe mango?

The best way to eat an overripe mango is in smoothies or sauces. Puree it and preserve it in the freezer for later use.

Is it okay to eat a mango with a brown rind?

Yes, you may eat a Mango with a dark rind; it will not harm you, but it will not taste nice.

Is it OK to consume mango with black spots?

The black patches on the mango indicate that it is rotting. However, if there are only a few black spots on the apple, it is okay to consume. The black patches might emerge deeper within the apple depending on how much it has deteriorated. If this is the case, chop away the black patches and consume the remainder.

If the mango fruit has black spots all over it, it’s better to discard it. It will be slimy and unpleasant to eat.

How Do You Know If a Mango Is Bad?

It is not difficult to determine if a mango is spoiled or not. All of the indicators are rather apparent. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Mushy skin. A ripe mango is tender to the touch but not mushy. If yours has progressed this far, it’s probably wise to toss it. The same is true if there are any major submerged areas.
  • Streaming liquid. That mango is gone; dispose of it.
  • Large patches of black skin on the body. If the fruit begins to turn black, it is clear that it is overripe and no longer edible. Please remember that a few black spots here and there are quite acceptable. Mine had numerous, and the flesh of the fruit was very great. Take a look at the image below.
  • Mold. This is self-evident.
  • Last but not least, if you suspect something is amiss with the fruit, such as if it tastes or smells strange, discards it. Your senses are adept at determining whether or not a piece of fruit is edible. Pay attention to them!

Can you freeze a mango?

You certainly can. Frozen mangoes are widely available in supermarkets, and there’s no reason you can’t make them at home.

If you want to keep your mangoes for longer, place them in the freezer for up to 6 months. Here’s how it works:

  • Wash, peel, and cut the mangoes into cubes, slices, or strips, depending on your choice and how you want to use them after they have defrosted.
  • Place the mango pieces on top of a baking sheet fitted with a silicone mat, parchment paper, or any shallow dish, making sure they don’t touch.
  • Place the sheet or dish in the freezer for at least an hour, ideally overnight, to allow the mangoes to solidify.
  • After the mangoes have been frozen, place them in freezer bags, cover them snugly, removing as much air as possible, and mark them with the date for future reference.

How Do I Thaw a Mango?

Mango does not need to be defrosted. However, it is an option if you like.

Refrigerator: Place the frozen Mango in the refrigerator. Because this procedure takes longer, it is advisable to utilize it when you don’t need it immediately.

Cold Water: If you need the Mango immediately, soak it in cold water. Place mango pieces in a plastic bag and place in a basin of cold water for a few hours.

Microwave: Thawing the mango in the microwave is an optional step. In a microwave-safe bowl, place the mango. Microwave for 30 seconds at a time on defrost. Before repeating this step, make sure to verify after 30 seconds.

When are mangoes in season so that I can stock up?

From October through March, mangoes are in season.

How do you select the ripest mango?

Each mango type is distinguished by its form, size, texture, and flavor. To select the freshest mango, consider the following elements.


The mangoes should be firm yet yield to mild pressing. There should be no soft or squishy places on them.


A completely plumped football form is great for a mango. It should be rounded around the stem. It is typical for mango skin to have some brown freckles or patches. The flesh of flat mangoes is stringy and grainy.


Smell the mangos close to the stem. If the mangos emit a lovely fruity and sweet aroma, they are fully ripe. If the stem has a sour or acidic odor, the mango is overripe; do not purchase.


When mangos are mature, they take on a variety of colors. Some kinds may appear unripe because of their green hue, yet they are perfectly ripe inside. So, don’t assess a mango’s maturity based on its color.

What are the different types of mangoes?


They are tiny, oval-shaped, and filled with flesh. Ataulfo mango is a rich gold hue when fully ripe and may acquire wrinkles as it grows. They have a rich flavor that is both sweet and tart.


Haden mangos are extremely juicy and fibrous. They have a deep, sweet flavor. When mature, they are medium to big and have a bright yellow rind. T

Tommy Atkins

Tommy Atkins do not change color as they grow and are not very aromatic, so the only way to know if they are ripe or not is to inspect the texture. These are oblong or oval and made in Mexico and other South America. Their rind is dark crimson with yellow or orange dots. They have a tart flavor.


Kent mangos are oval and have a rich, sweet flavor. They are dark green with a scarlet tint when unripe. As they get older, they become yellow. Kent mangos have a creamy flesh and are available from January to March and June to August.

Mango Cutting Techniques

Finding the pit and cutting around it is at the heart of cutting and preparing a mango.

The pit is the white-ish section of the fruit within. It’s seen in one of the photographs above.

It’s not like an avocado pit or apple seeds. It’s fused with the rest of the body, and getting rid of it isn’t simple. Essentially, you remove as much of the soft skin as possible while leaving the rest.

There are various methods for slicing a mango. Some of the most well-known are:

  • Peel and cut. Peel the entire fruit, then cut it lengthwise until you reach the pit. Repeat the process on the opposite side.
  • First, remove the central section. Grab the fruit and cut it lengthwise about half an inch from the center on both sides (depending on the fruit). The pit is located in the center. Using a teaspoon, consume the meat from both halves. If feasible, you can also try to remove a portion of the central piece.


Mangoes can ripen for up to a week. After that, the whole fruit should keep in your refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Before you plunge in, remember to inspect your mango for changes in look, smell, and taste — in that order!


Editorial Staff

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