How Long Does It Take for Hair to Regrow?

logo by Editorial Staff | Updated on February 16th, 2023

For various reasons, many individuals desire to know how long it takes for hair to regrow.

Maybe you had a terrible haircut and are waiting for your hair to grow back.

hair loss

Whatever the cause, I’ll discuss how long it takes in this piece.

How long does it take for your hair to regrow? The length of time it takes for the hair to grow varies according to the individual and their general health.

Hair only grows roughly 1.5 inches every month. This equates to around 6 inches every year.

It might take 3 to 5 weeks for the hair to return after waxing or chemotherapy. It develops slowly during the first two weeks, then quickly after that.

The same is true if you want to grow your hair out longer or if you had a terrible haircut – anticipate it to take 3 to 5 weeks for the hair to grow an inch or two.

It only takes 24 to 48 hours for stubble to come back after a clean beard shave.

So, whether you don’t like your haircut or are planning a trip to the salon for your next waxing session, knowing how long it takes for the hair to come back is important.

Continue reading to find out how long it takes for the hair to regrow.

The Process of Hair Development Is Not Well Known

It’s also worth noting that scientists don’t know much about how hair develops. Sure, we know the fundamentals: hair growth occurs in four stages: growth (anagen), regression (catagen), resting (telogen), and shedding (exogen).

On the other hand, specific issues about how we might influence the hair growth cycle remain unanswered.

What Factors Influence Hair Growth?

The source of every hair on your body is a follicle. Your body has around 5 million follicles.

There are around 100,000 of them sitting on your head. The rest is on your face and physique.

The hair root is found at the follicle’s base.

The hair shaft comprises living cells that join together to form the hair shaft. As it grows, the hair shaft passes through an oil gland before poking through the skin. Because the hair is dead, it doesn’t hurt to have a haircut, but taking out hair by the root can be unpleasant.

There are three stages of hair growth:

  1. Anagen
  2. Catagen
  3. Telogen

During the anagen stage, hair growth is vigorous. The catagen phase is a transition stage. The telogen phase, on the other hand, is when you lose up to 100 hairs every day. Around 8% of your hairs are in the telogen phase at any time.

The length of the hair development phases varies based on the body part. For two to six years, scalp hair might be in the anagen phase. It grows at a rate of about 6 inches each year on average.

It spends 2 to 3 weeks in the catagen phase before entering the telogen phase, which lasts around 100 days.

Other types of body hair, such as brows and leg hair, have a much shorter anagen period—about 30 to 45 days. This is why they are shorter than hairs on the scalp. On the other hand, they have a much longer telogen phase, which is why you don’t shed as many.

What Factors Influence Hair Growth?

Everyone is unique in many ways, including the rate at which their hair grows back. Some people require waxing every three weeks, while others may do without for up to six weeks.

Here are five elements that can have an impact on hair growth:

1. Hormones and genes

Hair growth and a person’s overall well-being are influenced by genetics and hormones. Any hormonal imbalance or the usage of medicine that might produce such a reaction can impact hair growth. Your ethnicity also influences how long it takes for your hair to regrow. Some people are just born with more hair than others.

2. Anxiety

Stress can cause hair to grow more slowly and, in extreme cases, even trigger hair loss. However, this is merely a transient state. So, as soon as you handle your affairs and reduce stress, your hair should cease deteriorating.

3. Nutrition and Health Situation

A well-balanced diet promotes development. If we correctly nourish our bodies, it guarantees that our bodies work properly and that everything is in order inside and out.

4. Crash diets and low-protein diets

Protein is frequently referred to as the cell’s building block. If you eat a low-protein diet or follow trendy crash diets, you will have less of these building blocks than your body requires. This has an impact on the state of your skin and hair.

5. Your Hair’s Condition

If you get your hair treated regularly, it might alter the health of your hair and cause it to age quicker than it should. Sun exposure regularly can also cause dryness and damage. If your hair is not in good condition, it will not regrow quickly.

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Regrow After a Haircut?

If you color your hair, it will be easier to notice when it grows since the roots will be the natural color of your hair. Don’t worry if it isn’t! In two to three weeks, you’ll see fuzzy hair developing on your head.

After a month, this fuzzy hair will appear like the rest of your hair; after two months, you should have around an inch of new hair.

Our hair grows around half an inch every month, for a total of about six inches of new hair growth per year. Men’s hair is thought to grow quicker than women’s, although this isn’t always the case. It still depends on your scalp’s health and how well you care for your hair.

Additionally, diet and your present state of health play significant factors in deciding how long your hair will grow back after a haircut.

Is it true that hair grows back faster after shaving?

There are several fallacies concerning hair growth after shaving, including claims that it comes back faster, thicker, or darker. The truth is that shaving does not affect the hair follicle, which is responsible for hair development.

Hair may look thicker or darker after shaving, but this is not the case. Hair shafts often have a tapering end. Shaving creates a blunt end, which can make hair seem darker or feel rougher.

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Shaving?

Shaving is a short-term option for eliminating hair from unsightly regions of our bodies. Because it is just temporary, your hair will come back after you shave it because the follicle bulb is still present.

Shave your Beard

If you shave your beard, you should know that it might take four to six weeks to regrow a short beard. If your beard is long, it will take longer to grow back to its original length.

As previously stated, hair grows at a pace of half an inch every month. This isn’t always the case with beards. The bigger your beard grows, the longer it takes to grow. This, however, does not always applicable because no two people are the same.

The length and thickness of your facial hair and your genetics all factor in deciding how long your beard will come back after you shave it.

Shave your Head

As previously stated, hair grows at a pace of around half an inch every month. So, if you shave your hair bald, you may anticipate that quantity of hair regeneration to occur over time.

According to an old wives’ tale, shaving your head entirely bald causes your hair to come back thicker. Some say that your hair will come back darker, and the width of your existing hair follicles will expand.

Even if you shave your head regularly, these things are not certain to happen because they are frequently influenced by heredity.

Shaving Your Arms and Legs

If you shave your legs and arms, be prepared to do it frequently; otherwise, you’ll have obvious stubble. It takes around two weeks for the hair on your arms and legs to appear normal again and a bit longer to look like it did before you shaved it off.

Hair in your legs and arms, like the rest of your body’s hair, will seem fuzzy as it comes back until it begins to look like ordinary hair.

How to Shave Properly

Regardless of the body region, you’ll be removing hair from; there are several things you should do to ensure a clean shave. Doing so helps avoid nicks and cuts, ensure that your hair grows back properly, and avoid ingrown hairs.

  • Before shaving, wet your skin and hair. This softens your skin and hair, making shaving more comfortable. The optimum time to shave is just after you take a shower.
  • Shave using shaving cream or gel. This smoothes out the shaving process and prevents nicks and cuts.
  • Shave your hair in the direction that your hair grows. This helps to avoid razor burns.
  • Properly dry and preserve your razor. Never leave your razor on a wet sink or in the shower. Ensure to dry your razor thoroughly, so bacteria do not form on it.
  • If you have acne, use additional caution when shaving. Shaving might irritate your skin, exacerbating your acne. If you have acne and want to shave your face, choose a razor with a sharp blade. You should also shave gently and avoid places where you have acne.

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Waxing?

Waxing hair takes longer to grow back than shaving hair. It takes longer to grow back because waxing eliminates hair from the root, allowing you to stay hair-free for longer.

Waxing can provide benefits that last anywhere from three to six weeks. Of course, this is dependent on how quickly your hair regrows. Hair regrowth is modest after a week and will noticeably rise in the third to fourth week.

Hair grows at varying speeds depending on where it is on the body. When waxing your face and arms, the hair should return in 6 weeks.

Waxing your legs might provide benefits that last anywhere from two to six weeks. Of course, your age, hormones, and genetics all factor in how quickly your hair grows back.

Shaving vs. Waxing

The most popular hair removal treatments are waxing and shaving. Which of the two is preferable for you depends on you and your needs.

  • Compared to shaving, waxing allows you to stay hair-free for longer. That being said, if you’re shaving, you’ll have to remove your hair more frequently than waxing.
  • Waxing and shaving may both be done at home, but if this is your first time waxing, it’s simple to make mistakes. Waxing by a professional is expensive, but when you consider the procedure frequency, it is still a reasonable price.
  • Shaving is a painless procedure; however, waxing is painful. People with a poor pain threshold may find it exceedingly painful, especially if certain body regions are waxed.
  • Anyone can shave, but effectively waxing requires practice.
  • Waxing also exfoliates the epidermis, whereas shaving removes hair from the shaft.

What Is the Difference Between Waxing and Sugaring?

Sugaring is a natural hair removal procedure that, like waxing, eliminates hair from the roots. It might take up to two weeks for the hair to regrow after sugaring.

Chemicals, preservatives, and additives that are usually found in commercial waxes are not present in a simple sugaring paste. If you are allergic to any of the substances used in waxing, sugaring may be the therapy for you.

It’s simple to wipe away any sugar residue with water after sugaring. Compared to wax, which must be removed using oils or other post-wax treatments, sugaring is quite simple to remove once completed.

Sugaring is less dangerous than waxing since there is no chance of burning yourself. The sugaring paste has to be warm. However, the wax must be hot when applied. You must also wait for the wax to cool before removing it.

Another distinction between waxing and sugaring is that the sugaring paste is applied in the opposite direction of hair growth as opposed to waxing.

How long does it take for hair to regrow once it has been lost?

The length of time it takes for your hair to regrow is determined by the underlying cause of your hair loss.

Pattern Hair loss

Some follicles stop generating hair as we age. Hereditary hair loss, pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia are all terms for this condition.

This form of hair loss is usually permanent, meaning that the hair does not regrow. The follicle itself becomes shriveled and incapable of regrowing hair.

An oral prescription therapy called finasteride (Propecia) or a topical treatment called minoxidil may be able to slow down the hair loss process (Rogaine).

Many men who suffer from male pattern baldness eventually grow bald. Female pattern baldness can cause hair to be thin, although it seldom results in baldness.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system assaults the hair follicles by mistake. Hair usually comes out in tiny patches on the scalp, but it can also fall out on other regions of the body, such as the brow, eyelashes, arms, or legs.

Alopecia areata is unpredictable. Hair can regrow at any moment, but it can also fall out again. It is currently impossible to predict when it may fall out or grow back.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis is an autoimmune illness that forms scaly red spots on the skin (plaques).

Psoriasis of the scalp can cause temporary hair loss. Scratching the scalp to reduce irritation or remove scales might aggravate the condition. When you discover a successful psoriasis therapy and stop scratching your scalp, your hair will begin to grow.

Changes in hormones

Women may have hair loss after delivery or throughout menopause. Men might also lose hair as they age owing to hormonal changes.

Hair loss caused by hormonal shifts and imbalances is transitory, but it is impossible to determine when hair will begin to grow again.

Thyroid issues

Hair loss can result from conditions that induce too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). Hair will usually regrow when the thyroid condition has been adequately addressed.

Deficiencies in nutrition

Hair loss can occur due to a lack of iron or zinc in the diet over time. Hair growth may result from correcting the deficit. Even so, it might take months for the hair to regenerate.

How long does it take for hair to come back after chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy can harm both malignant and healthy cells, including those in hair follicles that stimulate hair development.

Damage to these cells can cause hair loss on the head, eyelashes, brows, and elsewhere on the body during therapy.

Hair loss often begins after 1–3 weeks of therapy and worsens after 1–2 months.

It takes time for chemotherapy chemicals to exit the body and stop harming healthy dividing cells after the last treatment. As a result, the hair does not regrow promptly.

Most chemotherapy patients may notice sparse, fuzzy hair a few weeks following their final treatment. Within 4–6 weeks, real hair may begin to grow normally.

According to a study, some persons who take chemotherapy endure irreversible hair loss. Certain medications, such as docetaxel (Taxotere), might have this effect.

Is it possible to make hair grow back faster?

Many people are experiencing hair loss question how to make hair come back quickly. Even persons who do not have hair loss may look for strategies to make their hair grow quicker.

Many products may even stimulate or promise to promote quicker hair growth. The fact is that there is no technique to speed up the growth of your hair follicles.

You may, however, take the following procedures to guarantee that your hair development and health are optimal:

  • Consume a lot of protein. Protein is essential for the hair root. If your body does not receive enough protein, it will preserve protein by slowing hair growth. Feed your hair roots by eating meat, eggs, fish, beans, and almonds.
  • Iron should be included. An iron shortage can cause hair loss. Iron-rich foods include red meat, beans, lentils, fortified cereals, and green leafy vegetables like spinach.
  • Swim with your hair covered. Wear a swim hat, immediately rinse your hair after swimming, and use a swimmer’s shampoo.
  • Handle your hair with care. When shampooing, massage your scalp. Conditioner should be used every time you shampoo. To dry wet hair, do not massage it with a towel. Instead of a brush, use a wide-tooth comb on damp hair. Reduce the temperature of hair dryers and use hot styling products sparingly. Avoid wearing your hair in tight buns or ponytails daily, and use hair weaves or extensions sparingly.

If you are concerned about hair loss, make an appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible. The best chance of restoring healthy hair is to begin therapy as soon as possible.


It is critical to understand how long it takes for the hair to regrow. It’s especially handy if you’re considering waxed, sugared, or shaved. So, to return to our original question: How long does it take for your hair to regrow?

It takes around two to three weeks before you notice any apparent regrowth. This normally appears as a fuzzy fuzz on top of your head.

After a month, your regrowth will begin to resemble the rest of your hair. You should be able to notice around an inch of new hair after two months.

A healthy, well-balanced diet and enough rest should help you maintain the health of your hair and skin and encourage hair growth.


Editorial Staff

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