How To Make Mangoes Ripen Faster

logo by Editorial Staff | Updated on October 12th, 2023

Mangoes, with their sweet and tropical allure, can sometimes test our patience when they are unripe. But there are reliable methods to make them ready for consumption sooner than nature intended.

The Ethylene Trick with Paper

Using a paper bag or newspaper can significantly speed up the ripening process of Mangos. This method, popular with avocados, is equally effective for mangoes. By placing them in a bag or wrapped in newspaper on your kitchen counter, you expose them to ethylene. This natural gas promotes faster ripening, and by the next day, you often have a perfectly ripe mango.


Rice and Popcorn Method

Submerging unripe mangoes in popcorn kernels or raw rice can yield surprisingly fast results. This approach also revolves around the ethylene principle. But caution is key: it’s essential to check the fruit every 6 to 12 hours to avoid over-ripening.

Quick Fix with a Microwave

For those who can’t wait, a microwave can be a solution. Before proceeding, it’s essential to puncture the mango to let out steam and avoid messes. Then, wrap it in kitchen paper and microwave in short 10-second bursts, checking for softness after each session.

Cooking with Sugar

If you’re planning to cook the mango, stewing its chunks with some sugar and water can soften and sweeten it. This method is excellent if you aim to make preserves.

Optimal Conditions for Ripening

  • Temperature: Mangoes ripen faster in warmer conditions. Be it atop your refrigerator or in a sunlit room, the right temperature can make all the difference.
  • Sun Exposure: Placing them on a window sill or covering them with a towel in direct sunlight can hasten the ripening process.
  • Pair with Fruits: Keeping an apple or banana with the mangoes can speed up their ripening, thanks to the ethylene these fruits release.

Dealing with Prematurely Cut Mangoes

Sometimes, we might misjudge a mango’s readiness and cut it too early. To rectify this, wrap the exposed part and place it in a paper bag with a banana. This combination should help the mango ripen in a day or two.

Assessing Mango Ripeness

A mango’s color can be misleading. Instead, focus on its texture. A gentle press that indicates softness means it’s ripe. Additionally, a sweet scent near the stem is another sign of its readiness.

Maintaining Ripeness

Once the mango is ripe, placing it in the refrigerator can help keep it at that stage for longer. However, ensure it’s ripe before doing so to prevent disrupting its natural ripening progression.

Delaying the Mango Feast

If you need to stall your mango consumption for a reason, storing them in the refrigerator can help. This keeps them fresh without advancing their ripening.

In conclusion, mangoes offer a delightful taste experience, and knowing how to manage their ripening process ensures that we can enjoy them at their best, whenever we wish.


Editorial Staff

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